Video Conferencing Systems
This module will control the Polycom RealPresence Group 300, Group 500 or Group 700 codecs.
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Posted by Kris on 2nd Apr 2015
The module seems to work fine with 4.1.5 polycom software but doesn't work with 4.2.0 or 4.3.0 polycom software. There is a problem with the address book. It looks like when the Crestron sends "addrbook names all size" the Polycom always responds back with "addrbook names all size 0" even though there are more the 0 entries. Any chance the module can be updated.
Posted by Mat Klucznyk on 19th Mar 2015
The RealPresence series doesn't seem to remember any "notify" commands on a reboot. It would be really helpful if a heartbeat was included into the module to determine communication status.
Posted by Kris Kasprzyk on 10th Mar 2015
Version 2.5 address book currently doesn't work with Group 4.2.0 or 4.3.0 due to a bug in the group series software.
addrbook names all size always returns 0
This has been reported to Polycom when 4.2.0 was released and now reported with 4.3.0
Posted by epereira on 9th Mar 2015
I have had issues with hardware version 12 of the group series thus far. I can see it spitting back the entries in the global directory in debugger but the entries are never passed along to the String_Output. Ive tried this module on 3 different firmware versions and still no go. Has anyone had any success with this new v2.5 module yet? Please advise. Thanks!
Posted by manyrabidrats on 29th Jan 2015
Polycom has recognized their issues with the global directory through the serial or IP connections. local directory works fine. but with the global, the codec locks up when the request is made and the group series codecs tend to lose their connections to the global address book server. this should be addressed in future firmware. I cannot speak for Crestron's implementation of the address book, but there are issues on Polycom's firmware side.
Posted by SeamlessAV on 29th Jan 2015
I stopped using Polycom's address book altogether because it is slow not verbose and tend to freeze the codec on large queries. For companies with 25K users+ we talk to clients MSSQL server directly to poll the data in JSON format.
Posted by Mr. Wizard on 18th Dec 2014
The directory functions are still not working from previous versions. This module should be pulled until it is fully tested, or directory functions removed from the release version until they are fixed.
Posted by Scott on 2nd Dec 2014
Finally managed to get Addressbooks working. But, for some reason this module tends to duplicate entries everytime you refresh the addressbooks. After a few days of refreshing at 2am as per the module recommendation, Im getting up to 10 duplicates of some entries. And some entries just not being added altogether.
Posted by Mr Software on 12th Nov 2014
Nice Module but there is still the bug reported by "Colin Hasted"
Please fix it:
Posted by Mat Klucznyk on 7th Nov 2014
If you have a directory with more than 100 names... you have to search it you can't display it page by page by page...
Theres no way to search the global directory in this module. Had to create it myself.
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